Monday, 18 July 2011

reading and ting

Oh hai!

I’ve decided to have a jaunty little picture post cos you know... because. I have a crappy 2 megapixel camera phone and I keep saying to myself I’ll one day buy a proper digital camera (inshallah) but until that day happens, I’m using my camera phone.

I went to the library last week and picked up a small stack of books. I wanted to bring more but I couldn't lug heavy library books around when I still had shopping to do. I’m currently reading Memoirs of a Geisha. I adore the film but hadn’t read the book which I’ve felt guilty about so I’m finally reading it to see what I missed from the book-to-screen adaptation. So far? I prefer the film. Heresy, I know but the writing isn’t living up to what I’d expected. I’ve yet to finish it though so I’m still reserving judgment.

I learnt how to make a pretty origami bookmark for all my books. When I worked in a school, I got shit ton of free bookmarks but they’re all over the place in my room so I can only find a few at a time. No more receipts or bits of tatty paper for me, no sirree bob!

Momentary paranoia in library

I hand over my library card to check out books.

The librarian scans my card.

I assume my details come up but the screen is facing away from me.

Librarian #1: look at that. *nods to screen* that's weird.

Librarian #2: yeah, that is weird.


I didn’t actually ask what was wrong because I’m way too shy and embarrassed to ask but now I’m wondering what she saw and it’s going to nag me till the end of time. Thanks paranoia-inducing librarian chick!

There was a sale in Boots and I bought this awesome bracelet with a cute little bird pendant for £2.50 BARGAIN!! The feathery looking things are hair clips which I'm hoping to wear as a hijab ornament. It was also on sale but I can't remember the price.

I’m a massive fan of Simon Armitage. The man can’t write a bad poem. ‘Seeing Stars’ is wonderful. I’m enjoying letting every word sink into my brain.

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